The seventh episode of the popular “My Big Safety Challenge Podcast: Stories, Strategies, and Success,” hosted by EnSafe’s Mike Palmer, CSP, CIH, and Dale Carnegie Master Trainer Merle Heckman, has been released and can be found here.
In this episode, David Sams, Vice President of Risk Management of SBA Communication, discusses how he made a name for himself in the tower industry by developing a telecommunications industry-specific risk assessment and safety policy and procedure program. His expertise has been called upon in roundtable discussions and at numerous conferences. Sams talks with Palmer and Heckman about the challenges of working in high-risk industries and offers guidance on how to implement solid safety cultures at resistant firms.
Presented by the Board of Safety Professionals and Dale Carnegie, this series highlights safety leaders who share their stories of real-world challenges and the unique and innovative solutions they developed. Guests have included Steve Hawkins (FDR Safety), Chris Jeter (Amazon), and Hannah Sesay (Ferguson), all of whom have shared their journeys and personal insight into the complex world of Health and Safety.
The podcast series has enjoyed moderate success on Apple Podcasts, currently ranking #113 in the United States. Check back here for the final episode of this podcast, set to be released in October!