OSHA’s Proposed Heat Stress Standard (29 CFR 1910.148)

On July 2, 2024, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released its proposed standard 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.148: “Heat Injury and Illness Prevention.” The proposed standard will apply to employers in general industry, construction, maritime, and agriculture sectors for work performed indoors and outdoors that would result in employee exposure at or […]

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EnSafe Welcomes Steven Hodskins, PE as Charleston Office’s New Business Lead

EnSafe is thrilled to announce the appointment of Environmental Engineer Steven Hodskins, PE as our new Business Lead in the Charleston, South Carolina office. In his new role, Steven will be responsible for leading our business development efforts, fostering client relationships, and driving growth opportunities across our environmental and engineering services. “I am thrilled to […]

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EnSafe Offers Unique Expertise in Retiring Fossil Fuel Plants

The retirement of fossil fuel plants is a multifaceted process driven by a combination of environmental, economic, regulatory, and societal factors.  Retirement typically is achieved using a four-step process of decommissioning, deactivation, decontamination, and demolition- or as the process is most referred — “D4.”  Consulting firms such as EnSafe become an essential element in the […]

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My Big Safety Challenge, Episode 4: Preston Wood, Relativity Space

The fourth episode of the popular “My Big Safety Challenge Podcast: Stories, Strategies, and Success,” hosted by EnSafe’s Mike Palmer, CSP, CIH, and Dale Carnegie Master Trainer Merle Heckman, has been released and can be found here for your listening pleasure. This episode features Preston Wood (affectionately dubbed “Rocket Man” by the hosts), Director of […]

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My Big Safety Challenge, Episode 3: Chris Jeter, Amazon

The third episode of “My Big Safety Challenge Podcast: Stories, Strategies, and Success,” hosted by Mike Palmer, CSP, CIH, and Dale Carnegie Master Trainer Merle Heckman, has been released and can be found here. The podcast, presented by the Board of Safety Professionals and Dale Carnegie, highlights safety leaders who share their stories of real-world […]

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