With the increased focus on PFAS brought by several high profile lawsuits, national and state regulatory changes (both pending and passed into law), and a major motion picture (Dark Waters), EnSafe’s PFAS technical leads, Tiffany Thomas and Lori Goetz, have a full schedule of technical outreach to municipal and multi-sector industrial clients (airports, oil and gas firms, etc.).
Tiffany presented to the Air and Waste Management Association in Dallas (September 2019) and the National Brownfields Conference in Los Angeles (December 2019) on PFAS concerns. In November 2019, Lori and Tiffany hosted a roundtable for Memphis, Tennessee-area municipalities, initiating the first of a series of discussions regarding emerging contaminant concerns.
During the first half of 2020, they will be speaking multiple times on PFAS-related issues:
- February 2020, EnSafe Client Education Seminar: PFAS Regulatory Update and Practical Implications
- February 2020, 4C Health and Safety Environmental Conference: Growing Regulatory Concerns, What are PFAS? And A Practitioners Guide to PFAS
- March 2020, Tennessee Environmental Conference: Pending PFAS Regulations – Industrial Liabilities and Next Steps
- March 2020, Tennessee Environmental Conference: Pending PFAS Regulations – Municipal Liabilities and Next Steps
- March/April 2020, Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association: Presentation – Qualitative PFAS Source Fingerprinting and Poster Presentation – PFAS-Contaminated IDW – Characterization and Disposal Issues
Because PFAS regulations, remediation approaches, and analytical techniques are changing rapidly, EnSafe’s PFAS technical leads monitor developments so that impacts to your industry or remediation project are clearly understood. Contact them now!