We are excited to welcome back Chris Triplett, PE as Director of Design Engineering at EnSafe. Located in our corporate headquarters in Memphis, TN, Chris will provide leadership for engineering design services throughout the country, structuring multi-office design teams for efficient delivery of design and design/build based projects. Chris brings 28 years experience in the engineering field, developing and executing engineering projects in water resources, erosion and sediment controls, site development, building design, wastewater, planning and recreational design. He began his career with EnSafe in 1990 as a computer aided draftsman, working his way up to project manager and lead engineer. He rejoins EnSafe after a decade as Vice President at a southeastern regional design firm.
“Over the last 10 years, Chris has honed his skills in the areas of not only design engineering, but also business development and client relations. With the upcoming retirement of Claire Barnett, PE, Senior Project Manager, Associate Principal and leader in the MidSouth and greater Tennessee engineering community at large, Chris’ decision to join us is very timely,” adds Ginny Davis, Vice President of Business Development and Principal at EnSafe.