Environmental Financial Consulting Group (EFCG), the leading M&A advisory for the A/E/C industry named EnSafe’s Chief Financial Officer Mike Wood CFO of the Year for 2018 in a recent awards ceremony held at their annual CFO conference. Since 2001, the conference attracts CFOs from top firms throughout the country to discuss pressing issues such as ownership transition, budgeting, working capital, industry trends and forecasts.
“It’s no surprise EFCG selected Mike for this distinguished honor. Having been our CFO since the early ‘90s, Mike has incredible insight into our business operations, key performance indicators and working capital strategies,” stated Don Bradford, EnSafe President and CEO.
Andrej Avelini, Managing Director of EFCG, said of Wood, “Having worked with Mike now for 20 years, we have seen him demonstrate not only financial leadership, but also strategic leadership at EnSafe. EFCG wants to recognize CFOs who are not ‘just accountants’ but are also strategic leaders of their companies. Mike fits the bill. … While EnSafe is the smallest of the firms from which we have awarded a CFO, Mike’s contribution to EnSafe and the industry is just as great!”