EnSafe congratulates Former Naval Air Station Cecil Field and BRAC Cleanup Team on winning the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Award
We’re proud to have been part of the team that cleaned up the 17K+ acre station for what is now the thriving Cecil Commerce Center and Cecil Airport.
EnSafe leveraged technologies to reduce labor effort, increase data quality, and promote the visualization of large and complex data sets. Through these cost-saving measures, EnSafe achieved five regulatory site closures and optimized 20 on-going long-term monitoring sites, which saved the U.S. Navy over $1M in future site management costs.
Feature photo above: From left to right: Frank McInturff, PE, EnSafe Principal; Greg Strong, Director, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast District; Robert Bailey, PG, EnSafe Geologist; Mary S. Walker, Regional Administrator, EPA, Region 4