Tom Deck, Senior Project Manager and Business Lead of EnSafe’s Jacksonville, Florida, office, was voted as Vice Chair of the City of Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board in February of this year.
This volunteer board develops regulations necessary for administration and enforcement of the city's environmental laws. It conducts investigations of complaints, takes testimony in matters under its jurisdiction and provides a hearing platform for environmental matters within the city. In addition, the board may conduct studies, surveys, or efficiency tests, make periodic reports and recommendations for improvement of environmental quality in the city.
We “sat down” with Tom recently to learn more:
EnSafe: We hear a part-time job in college started you on your track to become an Environmental Professional?
Tom: As a chemistry major, I thought a part-time job at an analytic laboratory would be an ideal way to make a little extra money and gain some experience before I started a career as an analytic chemist. Little did I know that I would be doing field sampling, getting paid to be outside, canoeing the lakes in Tallahassee. I was hooked. That job really did shift my career trajectory and cement my appreciation of our natural surroundings. The rest, as they say, is history.
EnSafe: The Board has outreach programs for schools and teachers. What’s the best advice you have for a young student aspiring to work in the environmental industry?
Tom: Academics are important but having real-life hands-on experience is equally important. Get involved in any of the multiple opportunities for students – from internships to volunteering in your community.
EnSafe: What do you most enjoy about being on the Board?
Tom: I have truly enjoyed giving back to the community that means so much to me and my family. We have such an amazing City and it feels great to contribute to protecting its environmental resources.
EnSafe: What are your professional goals, passions?
Tom: I love supporting my clients with their complex environmental issues. I get a great sense of satisfaction being a part of a team that strives to be a trusted advisor to each of our clients. That is what drives me.
Keep up the great work, Tom. It’s community involvement such as yours that makes EnSafe’s nationwide professionals such local experts!

EnSafer Spotlight: Tom Deck, Volunteer Leader in Jacksonville
Posted in People News.