Environmental Scientist Kara Wimble will present at this year’s Florida Remediation Conference. The conference is being held at Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday and Friday, December 1 and 2.
Wimble will discuss EnSafe’s innovative use of a Microsoft Office365-based web site to connect geographically dispersed project staff at the nearly 23,000-acre NAS Cecil Field in Jacksonville. Providing this platform allows staff to collaborate on documents and data. Wimble will also highlight EnSafe’s introduction of ESRI’s Collector for ArcGIS to collect data on electronic forms, manage field data, capture field photographs, and access GIS maps.
“The collective successes of the Cecil Field Partnering Team were recognized in 2014 when we received the Fiscal Year 2013 Chief of Naval Operations, Secretary of the Navy, and U.S. Department of Defense Environmental Restoration Team Award, and in 2016, when we earned the American Council of Engineering Companies Grand Award,” stated Wimble.
The Florida Remediation Conference was launched in 1995 to provide professional education to the soil and groundwater cleanup industry. Online registration can be accessed at http://www.enviro-net.com.