Dr. Ioana Petrisor will lead EnSafe’s National PFAS practice
EnSafe is excited to announce Ioana Petrisor, PhD, has joined the EnSafe team as a Senior Project Manager/Chief Chemist, leading scientific efforts on perfluorinated compounds and their prevalence in the environment.
Dr. Petrisor has 28 years of environmental forensics experience, applying a wide variety of fingerprinting techniques to identify and track sources and age-date contaminants.
“I’m eager to join the forward-thinking initiatives EnSafe is advancing around PFAS, in particular,” says Dr. Petrisor, “EnSafe has a strong track record of navigating the evolving PFAS regulatory arena and managing clients’ PFAS liabilities over the long term, and I’m excited to contribute.”
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have rapidly emerged as constituents of concern since being added to U.S. EPA’s Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule list in 2012. Dr. Petrisor’s primary focus is on understanding PFAS’s myriad of uses, fate and transport, and complex environmental transformations (including generation from precursors), in conjunction with the use of advanced fingerprinting techniques to successfully identify and treat sources. She is also evaluating the limitations of available PFAS sampling and analytical techniques, ensuring defensible data are generated for site-specific solutions.
Dr. Petrisor has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Romanian Academy of Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the Bucharest University, Romania. She has published numerous scientific articles, is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Environmental Forensics Journal, and author of the book Environmental Forensics Fundamentals – A Practical Guide.
Dr. Petrisor will support EnSafe from our San Diego, California, office.